1 min read
03 Jun

Psalm 4:4   “In your anger do not sin; when you are on your beds,  search your hearts and be silent.  Selah.”   

As children, my sister and I were taught to prayerfully examine our consciences1 before getting into bed. It was part of saying good night to God. We’d ask questions like, “How did I live today?  What sins did I commit? Was I angry? What did I do with that anger? What do I need to confess?” 

Peaceful sleep ensued.  O the pure hearts of children! 

But life gets more complicated as we mature.  Sometimes we aren’t even aware that other things have taken God’s place in our hearts, things like money, power, position, games, sex, lies, anger  ... you name it.  Sleep no longer comes easily as we wrestle with our misplaced priorities. 

This pearl tells us to search our hearts and be silent—silent enough possibly to hear God’s still small voice of conviction. 

If you are not experiencing peace, I invite you to pray with me: 

Lord, forgive me for putting worldly things before you.  By day and by night, I invite you to occupy the throne of my heart, now and forever.  In quietness and confidence in your love, may I daily examine my conscience  ...  and sleep like a baby. Amen.    


1. “Search me, O God and know my heart; try me, and know my anxieties. And see if there is any wicked way in me. And lead me in the way everlasting” (Psalm 139:23-24).    

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